Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Irene Sendler

Through I have never met her, she has impacted my life.  This woman saved over 2500 children from the warsaw ghetto.  She put small children in the bottom of her tool box and the larger ones in her backpack.  Yes, 2500!

A baby from the 1940s might have married and had children, grandchildren, even great-grandchildren.  With a birthrate average of 2.6 in hte 1950's, 2.3 in the 1970's and 2.1 in the 1990's, it is possible that each child saved in turn saved 20 lives.  This one woman as of this year could have saved 50,000 people and over 100,000 by next generation!

Her efforts resulted in a severe beating and her legs being broken by the Nazi's!  Ironically she was up for the Nobel Peace Prize the same year Al Gore won!

Citations: http://www.jesussite.com/blog/2009/12/the-nobel-peace-prize/,