Thursday, February 13, 2014

2 years - Miss you Dad!

Sammy from patty hull on Vimeo.


Bill & Shannon said...

What a wonderful collage! Not a dry eye here. Thanks for putting that together. He is truly missed

Bill & Shannon

Stephany said...

Looking into his eyes, you can see his soul. I miss Sam too; he was a great man...loving, honest, caring, FUNNY, intelligent, searching, exploring, giving, praying. Thank you for sharing...

Kitty said...

Sam, I'll never forget your love and care for Abby: visiting her in the NICU, letting her hear your guitar vibrate, letting her take your face in her little hands so she could get a better look. I'll never forget the wonderful role model you were for your grandsons, and how very much they miss and love you yet today. So glad we will all meet again in our real home. Love, Kitty