Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Conversations with a 4 year old

Conversation #1
Josiah: Daddy, what does moses look like?
Daddy:  Well, there were no pictures or videos from back then.  He lived a long time ago.
Josiah:  Can we jump into the pages to see what he looked like?
Daddy: Not really, but someday in heaven we could find out
Josiah:  Can we get a blended plane to fly inside the pages?
Daddy: a what?
Josiah: A camouflage plane that we can fly into the pages of the bible
Daddy: Josiah you are very creative

Conversation #2 (last night at 9:40PM)
Josiah: Mommy and Daddy did you hear me crying?
Mommy: no
Josiah: You did not hear little bits of cry?
Mommy: I love you Josiah!

Conversation #3
Josiah:  Mommy, did you know excellent has an "x" in it?
Mommy: How did you know that
Josiah: I just know
Mommy: How did you get to be so smart?
Josiah: I just am


David said...


These are great conversations! I love these little guys!
